The will of animals


  • Auteur : David Chauvet (traduction Libby Dubot, Marie-Hélène Capin, Sébastien Sarméjeanne)
  • Année : 2008
  • Nombre de pages : 20 pages
  • Editeur : Droit des Animaux
  • Version française en ligne : Les Cahiers antispécistes
  • Disponibilité : sur les stands de notre association
  • Quatrième de couverture :
    By what right does the hunter put an end to the flight of a migrating bird ? By what right does one jail a lion in a cage? By what right does one take away the calf from his mother? Whenever an animal is made to suffer such treatments, it is also and especially his or her will that we oppose: The will to move, the will not to be caged, the will to be in contact with the loved one. Each time we prevent someone to do what he or she wants.

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